Illustrated ad for DCCC, June 2019. This was an illustration for a DCCC ad demanding where Texas Republican Representative Will Hurd stood on immigrant children left in vans on the border. The ads debuted on June 19, 2019. In August that year, Will Hurd announced his retirement from running for congress (link).
Illustration for DCCC ad. DCCC ran a social media campaign challenging Rep. David Valadao’s policies that make health care access near-impossible for his constituency. The ads ran in Spanish and English.
Illustration for DCCC ad. DCCC raised the question of Colorado Rep. Scott Tipton’s constant absences from town halls in his own congressional district. The communications team wanted to create a “Where’s Waldo”-type graphic, and with that in mind, I went ahead and made a fully-illustrated ad reminiscent of the “Where’s Waldo” books.
Illustration for DCCC ad. The DCCC initiated a social media campaign taking down Rep. Ted Howze for his extremist, anti-DACA views, and his statements correlating Dreamers to criminals and convicts.
Merle from The Walking Dead, 2012, digital illustration and painting
Princess, 2010, pencil, ink, and watercolor
Battlestar Galactica Animated Concept Art, pencil, digital ink and color, 2010
Great Recession, 2008, pencil and pen
Resident Evil, 2007, pencil, pen, and painted digitally with a mouse
Borderlands, 2010, pencil, ink, and watercolor